!!! WARNING!!!
PLEASE TRY FREE VERSION BEFORE BUYING: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mugich.cpumulticorecontrol
The Multi-core CPU Control is a tool you can use on your rooted device to independently set scaling frequencies and the governor for each <b>CPU core</b>, also you can monitor current core states in real time.
It allows you to use the highest frequency for all cores and gain FPS in games, or go down to the lowest frequency and decrease power consumption when your phone is sitting idle. Improve performance right now !
Multi-core CPU Control works without any services running in the background!
Is your device supported? You need ROOT permissions. If the app doesn’t work properly you'll probably need to be running a custom firmware (for example CyanogenMod) with kernel frequency scaling enabled. It does NOT work on Zenithink zt180, Flytouch tablets and many fake clones.
Be wary of the scaling frequencies you select! Your phone may be overheated or become unresponsive if you choose extreme values. Pay attention to choosing settings especially in case of using “Apply on boot” option, btw you have 30s. timeout after your device has been booted to reset settings to default.
- Monitoring status of the <b>CPU cores</b>. <b>Single core</b>, <b>dual cores</b>, <b>quad cores</b> and more are supported.
- Independent settings for each CPU core.
- Custom CPU user profiles
- 30s timeout to avoid boot-loops in case of unsafe settings
- Stats screen to see the effective usage of frequencies
How to choose optimal governor ?
- If you want to preserve battery use power-safe governor.
-If you want to achieve maximum performance use performance governor.
- If you want to find balance between performance / preserving battery use ondemand or interactive governor
SUPPORT: If you have any problems, please write me an email before writing a negative comment. I’ll try to answer and help you ASAP.
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多核CPU控制的是你可以用你的根设备上独立设置缩放频率和州长每个<b> CPU内核的,你也可以实时监测当前的核心状态的工具。
- 监测的<b> CPU内核的状态。 <b>单芯,<b>双核,<b>四核的更多支持。
- 每个CPU内核独立设置。
- 自定义CPU的用户配置文件
- 30秒超时,以避免在不安全设置开机循环
- 统计屏幕上看到的频率的有效使用
- 如果你想节省电池电源使用安全的州长。
- 如果你想达到最大的效能利用性能州长。
- 如果你想找到性能之间的平衡/延长电池使用按需或交互省长
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